My Display Board Isn't Working

Potential Issue #1:

If nothing is showing up on your display screen, it's possible that there is an issue with power to the dehumidifier.

How to Fix It:

First, check to make sure the power cord is still plugged into the outlet. If that doesn’t fix the problem, verify that the outlet has power to it. You may also hear the unit beep, this means it has power but the display is not lit up. If this occurs, proceed to issue #2.

power to the dehumidifier

Potential Issue #2

A blank display screen could also be caused by a loose cable connection.

How to Fix It?

Ensure the display wire is plugged in at the display board and at the control board.

loose cable connection
My Display Board STILL Isn’t Working

My Display Board STILL Isn’t Working:

If none of these tips solve your issue, then feel free to contact us. We’re happy to help get your dehumidifier running!

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